This article will give you information on whether you can have an individual or private session at the Maths Café.

At Maths Café, we run drop-ins, where we talk to every student on a one-to-one basis, although at busier times the tutors have to divide their time between several students in one session. We do not make appointments and we cannot offer private sessions.

However, if you email we can advise you which drop-in sessions are likely to be quieter so you are more likely to have the tutor’s attention for longer. Don’t forget to include your student number when you email us. Please note that in busy times it may take us a little bit longer than usual to reply.

Please note that some Faculties at our University have Support Tutors that can help you with Mathematics or Statistics, and are available in the vacation period also. If you are not sure about the Support Tutors available to you, please contact the admin office in your School/Department for more information.

You can also contact the Academic Skills Unit.

Please note that some Faculties at our University have Support Tutors that can help you with Mathematics or Statistics, and are available in the vacation period also. If you are not sure about the Support Tutors available to you, please contact the admin office in your School/Department for more information.

You can also contact the Academic Skills Unit.